Exercises for Upper Back Pain  

Upper back pain is commonly known as Thoracic pain as it arises in the region between the lumbar spine and neck, the thoracic region. There are several upper back pain exercises that provide you relief from this pain permanently. However, before resorting to any kind of physical activity, it is advised that the causes for the pain be determined. 

Regular workouts and physical exercises will help you not only maintain good health, but also help relieve you from the uneasiness of the pain for good. It is of utmost importance that you consult your physician before working out and follow the instructions to avoid any kind of further damage to the muscles and tissues. Given below are some of the exercises that offer maximum pain relief. 

Upper Back Stretching Exercise 

Stand erect with shoulders wide apart and hands locked behind your back. Move your elbows back and try to touch them while gently bending your head forward a little. Continue to breathe slowly and evenly. This helps strengthen the upper spine. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to your normal position. Take a few deep breaths and repeat the exercise. This helps prevent the buildup of tension in your upper back region.  

Mid Trap Exercise  

Lie down on a flat surface on your stomach with a pillow placed under your chest. Ensure that your arms are straight and slowly raise your arms towards the ceiling. This movement squeezes the shoulders blades and helps build strength in the upper back region. For the best results ensure that you repeat these exercises at least three times.  

Thoracic Extension Exercise 

Thoracic extension is another effective yet simple exercise that you can perform to strengthen the upper back muscles. Take a seat on a sturdy chair and clasp your arms behind your head while arching backwards and looking up. This exercise should be repeated at least 10 times. 


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