Treatments for Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain can either be caused  by muscular irritation or joint dysfunction. Depending on the type of pain, doctors prescribe relevant treatment methods.   


Treatment for upper back pain due to muscular irritation 

 Upper back muscle pain is mostly amenable to manual methods of treatment such as physical therapy, chiropractic manipulation, osteopathy treatments, massages, and acupuncture therapies.  

Osteopathy and chiropractic manipulation 

Exercise is one of the best and simplest ways to treat upper back pain. On a gradual basis, it has been proven that exercises are very effective in reducing upper back aches.  

Physical therapy 

Physical therapy for upper back pain involves exercises and movements to decrease pain in the upper back, improve functionality, while also providing education on maintenance programs to prevent any further recurrences. Most upper back pain exercises will include one or more of the following exercises: 

·       Stretches 

·       Strengthening exercises 

·       Low impact aerobic exercises 

·       Active physical therapies in addition to passive treatments in order to rehabilitate the spine 


Acupuncture is one of the very ancient methods of treatment for back pain and neck pain. The treatment is based on the pressure points and vital energy flow through the body. A number of patients around the world have reported an improvement in their condition after they underwent acupuncture therapy. 

Massage therapies 

Massages can be a very effective treatment method to relieve upper back pain. Massages have many health benefits including muscle relaxation, blood circulation improvement, and also enhancing endorphin levels. 

neck pain massage

Treatment for upper back pain due to joint dysfunction 

Treatments in such scenario are aimed at reducing discomfort by mobilizing the joints. In addition to the above-mentioned methods of treatment for muscular irritation, joint irregularities are also treated using pain medications. Injections in areas that are called trigger points are also carried out using local anesthetics such as lidocaine. However, Trigger Point Therapy is a natural therapy and is proven to be an effective treatment for trigger points. In some cases, epidural steroid injections may also be prescribed, however, this method is rarely used. 

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